In January 2015 a local environment monitoring was completed and confirmed again a possitive impact of the golf resort Black Stork on the surrounding nature.


In 2007 there were 5 species living on the golf course, in 2014 there were 10 species - 100% increase.


In 2007 59 species were monitored, in 2014 there were 77 species - 30% increase.


In 2007 there were 17 species living on the gofl course and in its surroundings, in 2014 another species  was found and now there are 18.


In 2007 106 species were noticed, in 2014 already 159 species - 50% increase.

The monitoring has proven that thanks to the golf resort´s influence the local biodiversity (golf resort and surrounding area of the Tatra national park) has risen by 6 - 100%.


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